The VP debate: Wake the fuck up!
[I finally decided to use the "f word" for emphasis, since nothing else seems to work.]
You couldn't write a science fiction scenario weirder than our reality. Here's an outline for a screenplay:
The Wake-up Call
A screenplay
Setting: A humanoid species, after 300,000 years of watching and waiting, suddenly spreads like wildfire across the surface of its home planet, Earth, moving into every corner, proclaiming its supremacy and intelligence, evidenced by complex and evolving technology. As it accelerates geometrically, the technology-driven change disrupts existing ecosystems, without thought to connected systems, bringing death or worse to many life forms including humanoids, while making giant fortunes for a few. The arrogance and narcissism of this species leads it to pursue technology even after inventing mechanical thought (MT) that surpasses its own abilities, threatening to control and replace it. The same has happened with biological science, which has given the species the ability to remake its physical self, bringing the possibility of an MT designed post-humanoid civilization.
The species goes through a recurring phase in its evolution called "war," in which the unused, sometimes repressed potential of developing technology is realized in an orgy of emotion, sexuality and violence. At the time of the story, the species is nearing a war phase, the third in an increasingly destructive series, this time reflecting not only struggles over national and ethnic borders, but over what types of mentalities the humanoids will have, what types of bodies, perhaps what types of souls.
Opening Scene: EXT. The Starship Enterprise against backdrop of stars, twinkly music suggests leaving Earth was a great idea.
CUT TO: Bridge, the multi-ethnic crew hard at work.
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