Wednesday, October 19, 2022

A political party for our times

Day by day the pressure cooker of human society stresses our traditional ideologies, gradually replacing them with vague notions of a bioengineered, entertained and becalmed humanity that may no longer need ideologies (at least not the familiar ones), to the point that we often feel like corn kernals ready to pop. In frustration and despair, many conclude that only a profoundly destructive event- a coup, a war, an apocalypse, anything that rocks our world- can keep us from withering away, passively watching car chases, political scandals and Wendy's ads on TV while we mull a sense that the human race is turning into something other than us. 

We want to push back, to try to affect our fate, as we might crash a missile into an asteroid hoping to move it in a better direction, only to see it wobble away indecisively. It's hard to know how to affect the world in a positive way. Even influential people can only tweak around the edges, not really directing much. There is no co-ordination of effort, no overall leadership. 

It would help if we had a political party that addressed the future instead of avoiding it. If there were a group with the resources to educate the public about the coming reformulation of the human race, in which we will evolve- much more rapidly than in normal evolution- into a new species, that story would become political in a hurry. As it is, America's major parties, the Democrats and Republicans, do nothing to promote discussion about humankind's future. [Update, 4/29/24: There has been no such discussion thus far in the U.S. presidential campaign.] 

I believe a party focussed on the future could gain a significant, possibly pivotal role in American and world politics. The sooner it makes itself known the better. As the old order cracks, there is not unlimited time to establish something new. We're in the last moments when the media is "free," in the sense that alternative approaches can get some play. Once wars and other catastrophes establish their claim on our attention, the media will be co-opted. The time is now for a party that asserts a scenario for humanity that has some humanity to it.

Something to think about

The negative reaction to President Trump's public humiliation of Ukraine's President Zelensky in the White House last month is int...